UroLift (Prostatic Urethral Lift Procedure) in Chattanooga, TN
What Is A UroLift?
Prostatic Urethral Lift Procedure (UroLift) is a minimally invasive surgical approach to treating LUTS (lower urinary tract symptoms) secondary to BPH. The UroLift system lifts or holds the enlarged prostate out of the way so that it no longer blocks the urethra. There is no cutting, heating or removal of prostate tissue and the treatment can be performed in an office setting. The goal is to relieve LUTS due to BPH, and allow you to improve the quality of your life by removing the urinary symptoms.
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What Does UroLift Treat?
UroLift is a straightforward procedure that treats benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). When a patient has BPH his prostate gland becomes very enlarged and can cause problems with urination, such as blocking or reducing the flow or urine.
BPH is a very common condition, affecting nearly 40 million Americans and 500 million men around the world. Over 40 percent of men in their 50s and more than 70 percent of men in their 60s have BPH. The issues created by BPH, such as having to urinate frequently at night, having a weak urinary stream, difficulty starting urination, and others can really affect a man’s quality of life.
UroLift offers a new, FDA-cleared treatment to relieve the symptoms of BPH.
Who Is A Candidate For A UroLift?
Men with severe urinary symptoms associated with their prostate, or men considering other treatments than medications that have not helped or impact sexual function. The UroLift procedure is an option for individuals who experience or want to prevent the sexual side effects associated with TURP as well. Additionally, men who have experienced bothersome sexual side effects such as ejaculatory issues may consider UroLift as a means to discontinue lifelong medication use. Your urologist will determine whether you are a candidate for this procedure. Assessment will include an evaluation of symptoms, a urine flow study, cystoscopy and urinalysis. Side effects include temporary pelvic discomfort, blood in the urine, and urinary urgency and frequency. The side effects usually resolve after 2-3 weeks.
UroLift Procedure Additional Facts
This FDA approved system opens the urethra by using tiny implants to prevent the prostate tissue from blocking urine flow in the urethra and preserves sexual function and quality of life. Because it is minimally invasive, there are minimal complications and rapid and durable improvements in symptoms. The UroLift procedure avoids sexual side effects associated with other procedures. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia, and provides relief from urinary discomfort as early as 2 weeks after surgery. There is no catheter and no overnight stay necessary.
While this is a permanent solution, it does not preclude other BPH treatments, if they later become necessary. If the implants need to be removed, it is a simple procedure. The implants will not interfere with MRIs, or DREs. The UroLift procedure will not complicate other BPH treatments such as laser prostatectomy in the instance that the procedure does not provide a satisfactory result.
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How Long Does a UroLift Procedure Take?
These procedures with Dr. Shridharani usually take less than an hour.
What Type Of Anesthesia Is Used During A UroLift?
Dr. Shridharani performs his UroLift procedures with the patient under only local anesthesia. Sedation is also available to help the patient relax, should they desire.
Comparison of the Gold standard treatment vs. UroLift
Prior to approval of this technique, the gold standard treatment was Transurethral Resection of the Prostate (TURP) where prostate tissue is removed by heat or laser. But this procedure can produce long-term side effects including retrograde ejaculation and erectile dysfunction or incontinence.
A recent study compared the UroLift system with TURP. Assessment of overall improvement of LUTS symptoms showed that patients treated with the UroLift system found consistent response, better than with TURP. UroLift is just as safe and effective as TURP but superior at preserving sexual function with more rapid recovery. In some instances, erectile function and issues with poor ejaculation related to an enlarged prostate may be improved with the procedure. UroLift provides rapid improvement and durable relief with minimal side effects. Side effects may include hematuria, dysuria, pelvic pain, urgency and urge incontinence. Side effects tend to be mild and resolve within 2-4 weeks after the procedure. Also, there is a low chance of retreatment for LUTS after UroLift.
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How Long Will Results Last After A UroLift?
The UroLift System is intended to provide permanent results. The small UroLift implants are placed permanently to lift and hold the enlarged prostate out of the way and increase the opening of the urethra.
Compared with transurethral resection of the prostate, UroLift has been shown in research to be just as effective, without the side effects that impact sexual function.
What Is Recovery like After UroLift Treatmnet?
Amazingly, patients can drive themselves home after having their UroLift performed at our Chattanooga offices. There isn’t any need for a catheter. Initially, your symptoms will not be resolved, and there will probably be some urinary discomfort. But within as little as two weeks, many patients experience symptom relief.
What Are The Side Effects of UroLift Treatmnet?
The most common side effects may include blood in the urine, some pain or discomfort when urinating, some increased urge to urinate, and discomfort in the pelvis. These issues are temporary and typically resolve within two to four weeks after your UroLift treatment.
Insurance coverage
To determine whether your health insurance will apply to the UroLift procedure, please speak with our dedicated staff. They will work with you and your health plan to determine insurance coverage. Medicare usually covers UroLift; However, the determination of coverage is made on a case by case basis.
When Can I Have Sex or Work Out After My Urolift Procedure?
You’ll likely be advised to postpone sexual intercourse and strenuous exercise for two weeks after your Urolift procedure. Dr. Shridharani may also advise against riding a bicycle or motorcycle. You can walk and perform other light activities without compromising your treatment outcome. If in doubt, please contact our office for assistance.
Are there Alternatives to Urolift Treatment for BPH?
Urolift is one of several treatment options for urinary symptoms that have developed secondary to an enlarged prostate, benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). You can expect Dr. Shridharani to discuss all options that may be suitable for you after conducting his thorough consultation and examination. You may be able to choose from multiple options, such as:
- Wait and watch. If your symptoms are still mild, you may have the option of periodic follow-up in which your condition is observed over time. The choice to undergo any form of treatment is completely up to you. Our role is to ensure that you understand the consequences of postponing necessary treatment and also that you’re presented with treatment options that align with your preferences and also a successful outcome.
- Medication. It’s possible to manage the symptoms of mild to moderate BPH using oral medications. That said, this option is typically not as effective as others. It also comes with some significant disadvantages, including unwanted side effects and the need for ongoing, indefinite treatment.
- Rezūm™. This office procedure is performed to shrink the prostate. It is performed in the office with local anesthesia, and little downtime is needed afterward. Rezūm™ words via steam, which is injected into the prostate to heat tissue, causing it to contract.
- Holmium laser enucleation of the prostate (HoLEP). This minor procedure may be performed using general anesthesia. During the treatment, Dr. Shridarani uses laser energy to carefully remove parts of the prostate that are obstructing urine flow.
- Transurethral Prostatectomy. This surgical procedure, which removes prostatic tissue using an electrical loop, has historically been performed for BPH. However, advanced technology has made nonsurgical treatments preferable.
How Do I Know that My Urolift Procedure Worked?
Your recovery from the Urolift procedure may take some time. One primary milestone that indicates successful treatment is that your urine flow will increase. Because the tissue that has been obstructing the urinary pathway has been retracted, your bladder should empty more efficiently. This will look like a more powerful urine stream.
Keep in mind that you may continue to experience frequent urination for some time after your Urolift procedure. This is not an indication of failure. It’s a normal process that relates to your bladder function. When the bladder must work hard against an obstruction for months or years, it loses some of its elasticity. Where there is little elasticity in the bladder, there is little capacity for urine volume. Hence, frequent urination. As your bladder regains normal thickness, which can take up to a full year, we expect that you’ll need to urinate much less often.
Why Choose Dr Shridharani For UroLift Treatment
Dr Shridharani was the first urologist to offer and perform this procedure in-office in the southeast region of the U.S. He is also the first to perform this procedure under an anesthetic in the State of Tennessee. His experience and expertise are essential to assessing your candidacy for Urolift and providing a great result.