Erectile Dysfunction Treatment in Chattanooga, TN
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What causes erectile dysfunction?
Just about any man over 40 has had at least an occasional problem with his erections. But when it becomes more routine, the situation needs to be examined. Erectile dysfunction can happen due to three main areas:
- Blood flow in the penis is limited or nerves are harmed
- Stress or emotional reasons are intervening
- It is an early warning of a more serious health problem, such as heart disease
Getting an erection can seem like a straightforward process, but it’s actually a complicated mixture of physical components involving blood vessels, muscles, and nerves, coupled with complicated psychological function involving both the brain and various hormones. Erectile dysfunction can result from health problems, emotional issues, or a mix of both. These are some physical reasons behind ED:
- Heart disease
- Atherosclerosis
- High cholesterol
- High blood pressure
- Obesity
- Diabetes
- Parkinson’s disease
- Multiple sclerosis
- Side effect of certain medications
- Alcoholism
- Substance abuse
- Sleep disorders
- Peyronie’s disease
- Treatments for prostate cancer or enlargement
- Natural result of aging
These are some emotional causes of ED:
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Relationship conflicts
- Stress at home or work
- Stress from social, cultural, or religious conflicts
- Worry about performance
In many cases, a physical situation, such as a period of stress at work, is behind a man’s erectile dysfunction. But once a couple episodes occur, now a psychological component comes into play, as the man has lost some confidence. Now the causes are mixed.
At what age does erectile dysfunction typically occur?
Erectile dysfunction is the most common sexual problem in men as they age. This is a result of the decrease in circulatory strength that is a part of normal aging. It is the same reason an older person tends to have colder feet more than in their younger days. It is the same reason varicose and spider veins develop in the legs of older people.
About 40 percent of men are affected by erectile dysfunction at age 40. By the time they turn 70 that percentage increases to nearly three out of every four men.
Overcoming Erectile Dysfunction
Erectile Dysfunction (ED) is defined as the inability to get or keep an erection that is good enough for satisfactory sexual performance. This is one of the most common problems men experience as they age. It is estimated to affect about 30 million men in the U.S. Half of men ages 40-70 suffer from ED and the rate increases with age.
About 75% of men with erectile dysfunction do not seek treatment. It can vary in severity and the response to medical therapy often varies as well. There are many causes, some psychological and some medical, but regardless of the cause, erectile dysfunction has a profound impact on a man’s emotional and psychological well-being.
If you or a loved suffers from ED and experiences distress associated with it, successful treatments are readily available for all types and degrees of erectile dysfunction. Please contact our office in Chattanooga, TN to be evaluated for whatever level of severity for treatment. Dr. Shridharani also sees patients from Knoxville TN, Northern Georgia & Huntsville, AL for evaluation and treatment.
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Types of Erectile Dysfunction (ED)
There are two different types of ED, organic and psychogenic. Organic erectile dysfunction is caused by physical deficits and can be treated by lifestyle changes, medications and surgery. Psychogenic ED refers to erectile dysfunction caused by stress, anxiety, performance issues and sexual conflict. Psychogenic ED can also have some secondary physical effects (organic ED) and vice versa as organic ED can lead to stress, frustration and anxiety. This gives truth to the phrase “mind over matter.” Once erectile dysfunction becomes an issue it may difficult for a man to remove that concept completely from his mind, especially at the time of intercourse.
When should I see a doctor about erectile dysfunction?
Some erectile dysfunction is fleeting, due to stresses at work or in a relationship, for instance. If you’re 55 or older, some degree of dysfunction is expected. It aligns with a woman’s declining sexual interest as she exits menopause. Sudden or chronic ED can be a symptom of other issues. Plus, many men don’t like the stigma that they can attach to erectile dysfunction. Also, taking certain medications, such as antidepressants, can have ED as a side effect.
Discussing erectile dysfunction with your primary care physician is a good place to start if you are having problems. From there, it’s likely he or she will recommend seeing a urologist such as Dr. Shridharani.
See your doctor if:
- You have concerns about your erections or you’re experiencing other sexual problems such as premature ejaculation or delayed ejaculation.
- You have diabetes, heart disease, or another known health condition that might be linked to erectile dysfunction.
- You have other symptoms along with erectile dysfunction.
Is it Possible to Reverse Erectile Dysfunction Without Clinical Treatment?
Erectile dysfunction is such a nuanced condition that it's difficult to know exactly how to approach it. If you're affected by ED, you may scramble to amass as many strategies as you can to improve your condition. You might search Google for hours, learning how to manage your stress levels better. You may go down the rabbit hole of trying this supplement or that. We understand the drive to get to the bottom of the issue here. Your sexual wellness is at stake. Of course, you'd like to reverse erectile dysfunction if at all possible. So, is it possible? Our best answer is "it depends."
First, to reverse ED means to regain the ability to get and maintain an erection without the use of medication, injections, or other medical therapies. To reverse ED, your contributing factors must be manageable. Such factors include:
- Medications. Some cases of ED are caused by medications. The most influential are blood pressure medications and antidepressants. Some opioid painkillers and antihistamines can also contribute to erectile dysfunction, as can medications for cancer and Parkinson's disease. If you develop erectile dysfunction and you take any kind of prescribed medication, your first step may be to talk to your doctor. A change in dose or medication type may help. Do not stop taking prescribed medication without discussing it with the prescribing physician.
- Alcohol, marijuana, or other recreational drugs. Like medical drugs, some recreational substances can impact your erectile function. Smoking and nicotine use fall into this category. In this instance, the potential to reverse ED lies in avoiding the use of any substances that may contribute to it, including methadone, heroin, cocaine, amphetamines, and other drugs.
- Obesity. Specifically, men with excess abdominal fat may be more likely to experience erectile dysfunction. Obesity results in hormone imbalance. The answer is not necessarily to increase testosterone levels through hormone therapy but to work with the body to get it back to a state of homeostasis. A healthy diet and a more active lifestyle may not work immediately to restore healthy erections, but the long-term results that occur from healthy daily habits are worth it in more ways than one.
- Obstructive Sleep Apnea. This common sleep disorder can contribute to the development or worsening of several potentially serious health conditions. Erectile dysfunction is one of them. According to one study, 69 percent of men with erectile dysfunction also had obstructive sleep apnea. The converse was that only 34 percent of men with erectile dysfunction did not have this sleep condition. Obstructive sleep apnea decreases blood oxygen levels which, over time, could affect the oxygenation of penile tissue.
Why it’s Important to Seek a Chattanooga Urologic Consultation for Erectile Dysfunction
Erectile dysfunction can be the first sign of a significant health risk. We now know that erectile dysfunction can predict significant health risks such as cardiovascular disease, heart attacks, metabolic syndrome which in an of itself can put you at risk of heat disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure, and death. The blood vessels in the penis are smaller than those in the heart. Erectile Dysfunction can signal vessel blockage. If the signs are recognized, these risks can be lessened greatly with the appropriate counseling from your urologist, cardiologist and most importantly your primary care physician.
Dr. Shridharani feels strongly that identifying erectile dysfunction is a chance to improve a man’s overall health. He has a multidisciplinary care team that is experienced in managing all men’s health needs in a timely manner.
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Does erectile dysfunction affect my ability to have children?
Erectile dysfunction does affect your fertility. This is simply because erectile dysfunction usually results in the inability to ejaculate the semen (and sperm living within) necessary to fertilize the woman’s egg.
Even if a man with erectile dysfunction can achieve a partial orgasm, it may not be strong enough to deposit enough sperm far enough up the vagina to enable enough sperm to make it to the egg. This would be a lowered level of fertility.
Recovery after erectile dysfunction treatment with Dr. Shrid
There are a variety of treatments for erectile dysfunction. These include prescription medication (Viagra, Cialis, etc.), penis vacuum pumps, penile injections, MUSE urethral suppositories, or surgery to place a penile implant. There is only recovery after penile implant surgery.
In general, following a penile implant surgery with Dr. Shridharani, patients will require from one to two weeks of recovery time. The incision is about 4 cm in length, and it will heal within about five days after surgery. There will be swelling and discomfort for about one week.
Recovery from implant surgery can be improved through icing (although patients must be sure not to place the ice directly on the scrotum or penis, as this can cause frostbite) and elevating the scrotum. To elevate the scrotum, a hand towel or shirt can be tucked between the legs. Wearing compression underwear that can keep the penis aimed toward the navel also helps.
You’ll need to avoid any strenuous exercise or other activity for two weeks. No lifting of anything more than a gallon of milk is also important over this time.
Schedule an Erectile Dysfunction Treatment Consultation In Chattanooga or Knoxville, TN
If you are in Chattanooga or Knoxville TN, Northern Georgia, Huntsville AL or the surrounding areas and have questions about advanced erectile dysfunction care, call (423) 778-4MEN (4636) or visit our contact us page to schedule an appointment with Dr. Shridharani today!